Christoph Pangerl



Who I am

My name is Christoph Pangerl and I live near Graz (Austria).

What I do

I am the head of the research and development department of the central R&D division at Anton Paar GmbH in Graz.

In my spare time I provide workshops (on a freelance basis) in the fields of software development (especially C# and WPF) and software architecture and I am also working on various (open source) projects.

In addition to that, I work as a lector at the FH Campus 02.

Why I do it

I worked on a computer for the first time at the age of 10 years (a MS-DOS machine - those where the days ;-) ). I have loved computers and all the tech stuff ever since.

While I love my day job, I also like to share my knowledge with other people, like I am doing it in the workshops or when I am teaching my students. It is really satisfying to work with people and to show them new things and to discus technical details with them.